Feeling creative

Well, I'm happy to see my blog still exists, in spite of me not blogging since forever. It takes something like blogger temporarily imploding and devouring itself to make me realise I miss it, apparently! I have been busy though - writing some other stuff. And by other stuff I mean SF short stories to submit to Asimov's and F&SF. The creative bits aside, formatting for magazines takes forever! (I'm sure they could hear me swearing all the way up in Hackney, too...) And this morning, I have this lovely pile to get through:

Because we are about to finish this comic! And by finish, I mean I have, with help from Angela (artist on said comic) and our friend Kaz (also artist, but hasn't drawn any of said comic) hashed out a rough plan for the final chapters, which I will write them from. Angela won't have time to do more than thumbnails and storyboards for now, but that will mean the foundations have been laid - or is that lain? - and there will be no more actual brain-hurty bits involved in making said comic fit into two books. I'd do a little dance, but I'd trip over my long dress.

No, not this dress, this dress is from the only outfit photos I managed to take this past week. I like to say I made this dress and watch my friends go "Woooow!" When in fact what I did was take my trusty old maxi skirt and sew some little ribbon loops around the top, and pull detachable bra straps through the loops. Hey presto, instant maxi dress! With sandals and a belt, it makes me look like a character out of a Jo Graham novel.

I wore that vest thingie over it - the first actual garment I've bought from the Springfield store! Victor tells me the design is obviously oranges, and I'm convinced it's apples. Still, apples or oranges, I love this weird little vest so much. This was actually my third time wearing it - for three days in a row. I know, I know - hygiene. But it's a cute vest, and it was pretty windy in spite of the sunshine, so it's not like it was drenched in smelly sweat or anything...

...Another reason I disappeared from the Internets was that I went to Japan. Which was awesome, in spite of everything that's happened over there. (And of course, we went nowhere near the disaster zones.) But more on that later, when I can actually post a pretty photo or two from the trip...

1 comment:

    I thought you turned into a tentacle beast and disappeared into the depths of the ocean!
