
As a kid and throughout my teens, I was always told that there were colours I couldn't wear because I was "too pale". What can I say - I grew up iron-deficient in the wettest, greyest little town in Norway. I'm not even sure I can tan. But yeah, colours like yellow, navy blue, salmon pink, coral and turquoise were all off the menu. And those are all colours I love, by the way.

Then I met my husband, who kept saying, in a sort of envious, put-upon way - "Well, of course you can wear that - you can get away with it!" no matter what colour I tried on. And then I realised that actually, while flourescent banana yellow won't do me any favours (except if I really, really need a fake sick note from the doctor), dark and mustard yellows actually look okay on me.

Same with navy blue, and all the rest. Somehow, they bring out my pale colouring in a really favourable way. So now I'm taking part in the Dress Your Best Week that academichic are hosting, and one of the things I'm celebrating about the way I look is my pale skin and general pale colouring. (And my mad, rabid gaze, apparently! ;-P )

This outfit is my favourite out of all my remix outfits so far, by the way. It would be totally work-appropriate if I just added my little black kitten-heels and a pair of tights. I'm also wearing my floral Anthro top backwards today - can you even tell? Ah, but will I wear it inside-out next? Hmm maybe, maybe not...

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