First post ever...

I'm starting a blog because a) I want to, b) it's the only way I'll actually be able to comment on Rub7's blog (no, really - anonymous commenting = totally impossible) and c) hopefully my friends that I never see will want to read it, and this will bring us closer together. In a totally non-romantic way. I just want to write about neat stuff I make (or help out in the making of), and all the awesome tins the husband and I own (it's Victor's fault, his obsession with boxes has rubbed off on me, just like his Australian accent has). About everyday stuff like making comics and fixing our flat up and trying not to dress like a dork.

So anyway, in the spirit of doing things and making stuff, here are some earrings that I made for a friend a while back, to match piece of jewellery she already had. The idea for how to make them - snap a bead in half and glue them on the spiders' backs - popped into my head as I was about to fall asleep one night. It was one of those, "By George, I've got it!" moments. Thanks to Epoxy glue (apparently known to cause cancer in the State of California, but since I'm in London I hope I'll be all right) the bead halves finally stayed on, and I felt just a little proud of myself.

Edit: Ugh, the picture came out all blurry. That's what I get for taking photos with my phone, I guess. I promise you, they looked cooler in real life.    

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