On the appropriateness of... stuff.

I fell behind with blogging my remix for three reasons, two of them very sad ones. Firstly, we were mega-busy, one house-guest replacing the other, so even though I found the time to take pictures, editing and blogging them was another matter. That's kind of a pleasant problem, really, when you're having too much fun to want to waste any time in front of the computer.

But then, I suddenly got a text from a friend. There had been a bomb outside one of the government buildings in Oslo, did I know if all my friends there were okay? Suddenly, Facebook was my favourite website in the world, because it let me know instantly that almost all my friends were safe. Almost. One guy, I had to wait several hours to hear from. I almost wept with relief when I saw he was okay.

There was a second tragedy in Oslo that day, an even bigger one - the same psycho who set the car-bomb got away, went to the Norwegian labour party's summer camp on an island outside of Oslo, and opened fire on the teenagers there. Over seventy kids and tour leaders were murdered. The youngest boy was fourteen. There are not enough tears in the world.

The psycho has long since been caught. He calmly informed police that he's trying to start World War III, because he thinks Norway has been "occupied" by non-white immigrants, and that we will all thank him in sixty years' time. I've always been proud that Norway doesn't have the death penalty. Now, I'm not so sure.

But, the psycho aside. There has been more psychotic activity, this time in London. Rioters have ripped this city apart - allegedly out of anger for a man who was shot dead by police, but that was quickly revealed as a lame excuse. What they are doing here is using a person's death to start riots in order to rob shops that sell things like computers, TV's, phones and video-games. Days of riots and robbery, all across the capital. Days of fearing for the safety of loved ones who live in or near the riot zones.

So, in the light of all this evil and mayhem, I felt it would be a bit... inappropriate, really, blogging about clothes and shoes. I finally pulled myself together and uploaded the last of my remix pictures in one long stream because well, I started it, so I might as well finish. Ironically, having such a long break from blogging has made me realise what I want this blog to be about. Comics and clothes, baby. Yeah.

Sorry about this wall of depressing text. Even looking for pictures from the riots, or from the ruins of the Norwegian govenrment building, or the piles of flowers and letters for the dead teenagers to paste in here, feels wrong. One girl was quoted in the Norwegian press saying, "I hope I will never again have to choose between the funerals of my friends." Those words clutch at my heart like desperate hands.

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