A dress with any other pair of tights...

And the Rabato award goes to...

I was going to post my these guys yesterday, since that was the day I finally got round to stuffing them and sewing them shut. Aren't they cute?

I made these from instructions in this book, one of my first post-30 for 30 purchases that I'd been dying to get, and finally got round to buying on Saturday. Yeah, I bought it straight from the shop at the back of the Japan centre because I wanted it instantly, (MTV generation, anyone?) but it's actually cheaper online (big surprise). If you're reading this, and your name starts with, uh, Grace, then guess what might be coming your way in the post soon...

So anyway, day two of my self-imposed week of wearing only dresses, I thought I'd remix my customised Anthro dress with different tights, cardie and shoes. And it looks so different! (I mean, duh. But still!) I also look like I'm deeply afraid of the world in general, but don't we all have days like that?

See how different it looked last Thursday, with brighter tights and shoes? Ah, check out those sleeves, I spent a few hours a) fretting about altering those and b) actually altering them. The sleeves make me proud.

Yeah, I'm using two of my 30 for 30 items - I added them because I default to them a lot. I guess this tells you that I could do with buying some new work shoes, but after I got the dental bill of the century last week, shoes aren't the highest thing on my priority list. If I buy any footwear though, it'll be boots. Because frankly, my repair project is not so much going slowly as gently stagnating. It's one of those, "I'll get around to it" kind of things that I never actually get around to. I'd much rather make little felt froggies or penguins. And I miss having girly boots.

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