Safety-pins: they come in handy

It's so late. I'm so tired. But I took photos of my outfit, and I'm going to post them before I keel over and fall asleep, so here I am in a wool dress that I inherited from my friend:

Do you think brown and purple is a weird combination? Yeah? You wanna come to London and say it to my face? Hehe. I thought those colours actually looked okay, the purple brightened the brown up nicely. I randomly put this scarf on before going out, since it's still not exactly spring here and my jacket has to be closed with a safety-pin on top. Yes, that's pretty ghetto of me, but I don't want pneumonia - who does? - so safety pin it is. And scarf. Which I too off for the photos because it clashes so badly with the jacket.

It seems I have developed a liking for triangles. Which I just spelled triankles, which should give you an idea of just how tired I am. Maybe trianklets is what happens when you grow a second ankle out of a person's ankle, the way they grew that ear on the back of that poor mouse? Anyways, you can just see my pretty necklace, bought in the airport in Montreal when we went there for a wedding last year. Made by Native Americans at a Native American owned factory, and the proceeds went to a worthy cause that I can't remember right now because I'm so tired. But it was worthy enough that I felt extra smug when I'd bought this. And yeah, this is the jacket without the safety-pin - see why I had to d.i.y. it? I'd catch my death otherwise. And on that cheerful note, good night.

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