Final 30 for 30 day!

So I had to spend the day at the dentist's today, and by spend the day I mean that literally. He had to work on me for a while, then I had to sit in the waiting room while he worked on another patient, and then I got to come back in and sit in the chair again. For someone with my level of rabid, irrational fear of the dentist, this was not a good day. Added fun fact? The price of this torture meant that any money I saved by doing the 30 for 30 just disappeared. So yeah, the less said about today the better, really.

Looking on the bright side though, at least I had a cute outfit on! I really liked these two items together, so I was saving this one for last. Because today was my last day of the 30 for 30, and tomorrow I get to wear other clothes!! I've already packed my outfit for work tomorrow, shoes and all. I'll probably dance my way there, singing show tunes on the way like some mad escapee from the set of Glee.

Also, Angela and I put together the card for Minekura today, to go with the scarf I knitted for her and the picture Angela drew her, gluing the Japanese translation of my message into the card, stamping a ladybug on it and drawing lots of little footprints across the paper. And Angela kindly agreed to take my picture while wearing the Sutra, so here it is!

New Facebook photo, perhaps? Hmm... I kind of like that my eyes came out red here, they match the scarf!

This baby goes in the post to Japan tomorrow (hopefully), and we've taped the address of Minekura's publishers on the front in English and Japanese, so it can't possibly not arrive in one piece!


  1. Oh my gosh, I hate the dentist too!! I had to go for a couple hours yesterday and had a root canal two weeks ago! Yuck!! Anyway, this outfit is very cute and I love that you saved it for last! Fun!!

  2. Sister! We should start a band called Victims of Dentistry! You poor thing, I've never had a root canal but I've heard it's horrible. And think of all the gorgeous Anthro clothes we could've bought for that money! ...well okay, maybe we could've bought like two things full price for all that money, and four in the sale. Glad you liked my outfit, though - I should go check yours out! :)
