Because I'm a bad person...

Most of my outfits don't have a name, but I'd like to call this one Citrus Punch. Because it's bright enough to make people rock back on their heels as if they just got punched in the face. 

I had been stalking this cute raspberry skirt since forever, and I was hoping that by the time I'd finished my 30 outfits, it'd be on sale. But then, Anthro sent me an email about their summer sale (the bastards!) and sure enough, this skirt was part of the sale. And since their sales operate on the principle of "buy now, or regret it forever", I cracked. 

So I'm officially a Bad Person, and I'm also exchanging one of the skirts from my original remix lineup for this one. I mean, since I cracked and bought it, I may as well remix the crap out of it, right? I realise that's not much of a penance since it's a skirt I've been longing to own and wear, but it's the best I can come up with. 

Anyway, I wore this outfit to go to the Okinawa Festival in Shoreditch with Victor and Christa yesterday. Not only did they put up with my request for outfit photo-taking, Christa jumped into some of them. I swear, this huge flowing skirt brings out my inner Dracula... I was only trying to wrap Christa in it, I didn't punch her in the stomach - honest!

They had live music there, which was pretty interesting. Okinawa is kind of isolated from the rest of Japan, so their culture is pretty unique, and the same went for their folk music. They played everything from a rousing work-song for wood-cutters to a grandmother's song about her newborn grandchild.

There were also a few food stalls, so I got to try sour yakisoba with tempura (so, so good) and Okinawan ginger bread (not gingerbread, but actual bread with ginger in it) which was incredibly yummy. I want the recipe...

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