This necklace kills fascists...

...well, at the very least, I could take down a burglar with it! Yes, look what I found on ebay... several weeks ago, may I ad, and long before the 30 for 30 started!

Originally, I'd been lusting over this necklace in pink, but when I emailed the shop, they were all sold out. And then I had one of those weird sleepless nights, when I woke up from some nightmare or other and couldn't go back to sleep. So then I had the idea of looking for the necklace on ebay, and while they didn't have the pink version there, they did have the turquoise one that started the whole teardrop necklace craze on the internets in the first place.

When I woke up, I didn't remember if I'd really bought the necklace or if I'd dreamed it all. But there was the seller's email in my inbox, and now I finally have the necklace, thanks to Grace who sent it on to me from America. I'm glad I opted for the smaller version, with 12 big beads as opposed to 16, because even that feels like wearing a really heavy bib!

Next time I can't sleep, I'm not allowed to touch the computer. At all. I can do boring things like the washing up, or I can read a book with a flashlight. But that's it. Not that I'm not happy with the necklace - I love it! And it's not like it was bank-breakingly expensive. But this can't happen again...

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