Big fat loser day

So today, I wore two outfits. I had to, because I was worried about getting my white skirt-suit dirty. My first outfit was something I arrived at rather randomly, but was really happy with - I'll definitely wear these things together again. I think the orange cardigan makes a nice contrast with the black and grey.

Even though I had today off I still had errands to run and a doctor's visit scheduled, and I guess the main point of the outfit was to make it easy for the doctor to examine my leg. Or, as I told him, "To facilitate my doctor looking up my skirt." Hey, it made the doctor laugh.

Tonight was the ceremony for that competition I mentioned way back, when winners would be announced and prizes handed out etc. I wanted to look kind of done-up and professional but still look like me, if that makes sense - hence this outfit, which I think actually makes me look a little bit like a female John Travolta from Saturday Night Fever.

I also tried it without the belt, but in the end I decided to let the belt stay.

Turns out I shouldn't have bothered dressing up, though. Our entry only came 6th. To be honest, I feel pretty bummed out and humiliated. I'm sure tomorrow will be a better day, but right now, everything sucks.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about Jiman :( they suck balls
    But your white skirt suit is pretty awesome! You rock that female John Travolta look!

  2. Thanks Poli.I needed to hear that.
    Hey, maybe we should name the suit Jane Travolta? The skirt can be Jane, and the jacket Travolta, since it can look sort of butch. Glad you liked it anyway.:)
