Hot-plate Valentine's day

For me, Valentine's day began early in the morning, frantically wrapping a present for Victor in the toilet - so as not to wake him up with the sounds of crinkly wrapping paper. (Our flat is tiny. And I mean tiny.) I'd just managed to slip it into his coat pocket before he staggered out of bed half asleep - and nearly peed himself in shock when he came face to face with me. Romantic start to the day, no?

I gave him a fluffy white rabbit plush, in case you were wondering. It can keep him company at work now, and give his colleagues something to tease him about. (I'm not the only person in this relationship who's obsessed with cute rabbits. Oh no.)

This morning I realised there are still a few items in my 30 that I haven't worn yet! And I'd actually been thinking of doing the shirt-vest-black trousers thing for a while... However, I knew that Victor and I were going to Benihana for teppanyaki tonight, so I couldn't wear anything that wouldn't survive the five consecutive spin cycles it might take to get the smell out of it. Hence this, but I think it was okay. Also, here's the outfit without the jacket:

And yes, I was freezing when I took that. Free-zing. I should also add that I wore the brown coat on top of the jacket - that's how cold it was today. And even with four layers on (count 'em: purple shirt, black vest, white blazer, brown mega-coat) I thought it was a bit nippy. So yeah - spring! Now! Please? 

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