Intrepid spring flower day

It turned out to be a really beautiful day today. And even if it's still freezing, I found a little park near my work today where there were actual flowers foolish enough to pop their heads out of the ground. I took pictures of them, so I have proof: spring is here! (Well, sort of.) Not sure what tomorrow's outfit will be - except that it won't include this cardigan - not three days in a row, I've got to let that baby rest!

I also wore the cardigan open at one point when the office was quite warm, and then I moved the belt around the skirt - I think I like this version better...

 Today was Day 15 for me. I guess one  thing the self-imposed shopping ban has done for yours truly is make me really appreciate the stuff I don't have to pay for. Like listening to internet radio (let's hear it for RockJam!) or reading the book Ruby posted to me last week (The Plague by Albert Camus, which is a fantastic book by the way) or the meal Victor treated me to for Valentine's day. Three of my friends phoned me after work today, and just being able to talk to people you care about, even though they are miles and miles away from you (and even if you do end up discussing a certain controversial case, and disagreeing) is just such a gift. And okay, so phone-bills aren't free, but you know what I mean. Feelings are free!

...I know what I should do when my current temp job comes to an end. I just realised: I should write fortune cookie notes for a living. I'd be fantastic at that. Because feelings are free!