Floral vintage day

The husband and I had a special date-night tonight - he was treating me to Japanese first, then I was treating him to Cirque du Soleil. So that was the perfect excuse to wear my new dress that I probably shouldn't have bought. (Let me elaborate: Cath Kidston ain't cheap. Well, some of the stuff is, but never the dresses. Unless they're on sale.) Yes, when I got their new catalogue, I was all relieved because I didn't like any of the new bags and thinking I wouldn't be spending any money there... and then I saw this dress, and thought, "Oh damn."

I bought those lovely royal blue tights long before I caved in and bought the dress - just in case, you know? The match the buttons and trimming purrrfectly. F.Y.I, I nearly froze to death to take this picture.

 This last one was taken on the back stairs at Royal Albert Hall. Isn't he cute? Especially when he doesn't really want to have his picture taken?

 Oh, and I just have to post a picture from the show - I didn't take it, I'd never want to endanger the performers - it's from the official website. This was my favourite act - Native American rollerskating on a giant tribal drum.

 In other news, calamity strikes the sutra-scarf! Turns out that the wool they'd had delivered at Liberty's wasn't the same kind of blue - it was paler, and twice as expensive, and just didn't look right. But, the sales lady was one of those alternative ladies that I seem to sync really well with - she had at least five necklaces on, and the most awesome pair of royal blue horn-rimmed glasses - and she told me about how, in this book she had at home, there were pictures of ancient sutras where the important bits were written in red. Then she dug out a gorgeous ball of red wool, and told me she wouldn't let me buy the blue - "Get this instead!"
I've started knitting with the red wool now (saving the last bit of blue for the end of the scarf), and it actually looks kind of okay.

  Angela will ask her Japanese teacher for help to write a note that says, "Please imagine that the red bits are extra powerful spells written in yokai blood."

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