Make do and mend day

One thing I've found myself doing a lot during this 30 for 30 is repairing, or making little changes to, some of my items. With a limited number of things to wear, I guess I've become conscious of things like holes in trousers, belts that are too thick and general non-fitting-ness, and forced myself to do something about them. And then there are the boots, of course - the biggest repair project of the lot. I'll probably finish them (if I even manage to do this) the day before my last day or something! Which is Wednesday by the way. My last day. And you bet I'm looking forward to that!

  Case in point: this outfit would've been so much better with my plum cardigan. I eyed it hungrily this morning, when it randomly hung next to my navy blue bow top. But it wasn't on the list, so I had to let it hang there. Sadness! Still, it's not too bad with the black cardigan, either. (Today is also black cardie comeback day.)

Anyway, I wore my Springfield flats for when we went out for breakfast and groceries today. But on the way home, I stepped in a puddle (and holy Batman, was that cold!), so my shoes were soaked through. That's why I'm posing in sheepskin slippers. My mother bought me those for Christmas last year, and they are the comfiest footwear in the known universe.

Freezing? To death? Who me? And to think we had blue skies and sunshine this morning, too... And now I have to go finish taking the elastic out of the sleeves of my red stripey top, or I won't have anything to wear tomorrow. It's like wartime rationing, I swear!

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